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Compare Cloud Digital Signage,
On Premise & Hybrid Solutions

Are you looking for digital signage options but feeling overwhelmed by all the technical jargon? Don’t worry, I can help break it down for you!

Digital signage software comes with different ways to use and pay for it. You can buy a perpetual license, pay a recurring subscription fee, or go for a mix of both. Each option has its own benefits, so it’s important to understand which one might work best for you.

Purchase of perpetual licenses

If you want complete control over your digital signage, you might prefer buying a perpetual license. This means you own the software and can run it on your own servers, whether they’re in the cloud or on-premises.

Cloud Digital Signage Subscription

On the other hand, if you’d rather not worry about the technical stuff, a subscription-based model might be more your speed. With this option, the software is hosted on secure servers, and you pay a regular fee for access to updates, maintenance, and support.

Hybrid Licensing Model

There’s also a hybrid model that combines the convenience of cloud hosting with the control of on-premises solutions. This can be a good fit for businesses that need to keep some data or components on their own servers for extra security.

When deciding which option is right for you, think about things like how many screens you have, your budget, how important security is, and whether you need to manage everything from a central location. These factors can help you figure out which model will work best for your needs.

It’s also good to know that Navori offers flexibility, so you can switch between different models as your needs change. This means you won’t be stuck with a solution that doesn’t work for you in the long run.

In summary, there are different ways to use and pay for digital signage software, so it’s worth taking the time to figure out which one fits your needs best.

Cloud Digital Signage On-Premise
  • Hassle-Free, No Maintenance
  • Host and Operate Your Solution
  • Subscription-Based
  • Produce Advanced Integration using API
  • SOC2 certification ensures our platform meets stringent IT business continuity and quality requirements, positioning us at the forefront of secure digital signage solutions.
  • Software Available for white-labeling

Reach out for guidance or tap into our expertise!

Licensing models available from the industry

Cloud Digital Signage or SaaS Mutualized, One Fee

Cloud digital signage or SaaS mutualized model provides a subscription-based solution hosted on a mutualized platform. This model offers easy internet access to the digital signage software for a recurring fee, including continuous updates, maintenance, and support. Mutualized hosting allows the sharing of hosting resources among multiple users, potentially reducing costs while maintaining performance and reliability.

Dedicated Cloud Digital Signage, Including Hosting and Managed Services

The dedicated cloud digital signage model offers exclusive hosting for digital signage software. It provides superior performance, security, and reliability through dedicated server resources, ensuring optimized system capabilities and privacy.

On-Premises / Perpetual Licenses

The on premises/perpetual licenses model allows users to purchase perpetual licenses and host it on their servers. This model provides indefinite software ownership without recurring fees, offering complete control over the software environment. It suits businesses with specific security, compliance, or integration needs, providing a financial advantage for long-term investment.

On-Premises / Subscription

The On-Premise / Rental Fee model provides flexibility and control by offering digital signage software licenses for rent on on-premises servers. This model allows users to pay recurring rental fees and avoid long-term commitments. It suits businesses seeking scalability in their digital signage strategies while maintaining control over their software environment and data security. Rental fees provide a flexible pricing model for short-term projects or seasonal needs.

Benefits of this model include:

  • Minimal initial investment.
  • Scalability based on current demands.
  • The ability to utilize advanced digital signage solutions without a permanent purchase.

Users can respond to peak periods or scale down during quieter times, optimizing resource use and expenditure while controlling their on-premises environment and data. This setup offers a compromise combining the security and customization potential of on-premises hosting with a rental pricing model’s financial and operational flexibility.

Navori provides all the licensing models mentioned above. For pricing information, click here.

Discover Key Software Features for Digital Signage

Secure Cloud Digital Signage Dedicated Azure Hosting Costs

The costs for secure cloud-dedicated hosting on Microsoft Azure for a digital signage system, as recommended by Navori, vary based on the number of players being operated. These costs are denoted in USD and provide a scalable pricing model to accommodate different sizes of digital signage networks. Here’s a breakdown of the unit cost per month for different player thresholds:

Number of players Unit cost per month on Microsoft Azure
< 300 players $1.40
<1500 player $1.04
<5000 players $0.65
<10000 players $0.41
<25000 players $0.24
<50000 players $0.17

Your IT service will manage this infrastructure, allowing seamless integration with internal data for content dissemination across your screens.

Cloud Digital Signage Cost Comparison: Subscription vs. Upfront Purchase + Maintenance

When comparing the costs between a subscription model and an upfront purchase plus maintenance for cloud digital signage hosted over a typical lifespan of 7 years, the analysis reveals significant differences in total expenditure.

Subscription Model Costs:

Per Player Cost: $20/month
Activation Fees: $75/player
Total Cost for 7 Years: $1,755 per player

Upfront Purchase + Maintenance Costs:

License Cost per Player: $400
Annual Support (18%): $72/year
Managed Hosting Cost: $2/player/month
Total Cost for 7 Years: $1,072 per player



Purchase+ hosting


























Over a 7-year period, the subscription model is 64% more expensive than the upfront purchase model, with the purchase model’s breakeven point occurring just before the end of the second year.

The choice between these models often depends on the deployment scale and the business’s financial flexibility. The subscription model may be preferred for smaller networks or those seeking simplicity. However, the upfront purchase model is more financially advantageous in the long run for deployments with more than ten players.

Navori recognizes the diverse needs of businesses, especially startups or those new to digital signage, by offering a hybrid model. This approach allows companies to start with a subscription and transition to a perpetual license model with maintenance as financial circumstances permit, providing a tailored solution that aligns with the user’s cash flow and investment capabilities.

Join us as a certified reseller - empower success together!

The benefits of choosing a SOC2-certified provider like Navori Labs are as follows:

  1. Security Assurance: SOC2 certification signifies a commitment to data protection through stringent controls, ensuring data privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
  2. Compliance: SOC2 compliance indicates that a provider meets regulatory requirements and industry standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties and reinforcing commitment to governance and data protection.
  3. Business Continuity: SOC2 includes business continuity and disaster recovery controls, ensuring providers can maintain service during disruptions, enhancing client confidence in their reliability.
  4. Trust and Reputation: Partnering with a SOC2-certified provider signals dedication to data security and privacy practices, enhancing stakeholder confidence.
  5. Risk Mitigation: A SOC2-certified provider proactively reduces risks like data breaches and minimizes financial and reputational damage from security incidents.
  6. Competitive Advantage: SOC2 certification showcases a commitment to data security and privacy standards, providing a competitive edge as a trusted market participant.

A SOC2-certified provider like Navori Labs ensures comprehensive security, compliance, and reliability, allowing you to concentrate on your core activities, knowing your data is securely managed.

Software As A Service - Saas


In today’s business environment, choosing the proper licensing and hosting model for your digital signage solution is crucial. When deciding between cloud digital signage hosting, on-premise deployment, or a hybrid model, you must carefully consider scalability, security, cost-efficiency, and compliance demands.

Selecting Navori, a SOC2-certified provider, can enhance digital signage operations’ security, compliance, and reliability. This certification ensures that your digital signage infrastructure is managed according to high data protection and risk mitigation standards, which can help build stakeholder trust.

If you want to enhance your digital signage strategy and create impactful digital communications, contact Navori for a customized consultation. They can help you explore how their solutions can meet your specific needs. Before committing, it’s essential to understand the nuances of licensing terms and pricing, including quota-based pricing and other options. Navori can guide you through each step to ensure a successful and seamless digital signage journey.